Posted: 5 months ago HU


50000.00 €

Description 558 views

Kasza Motorsport Lada VFTS FOR SALE! -BRAND NEW CAR!!! -The car was built in 2021, not seen a race until 2023!! - The car participated in the MITROPA CUP series. - Every paper is in order and up to date! (P13 class) Engine: - 198 HP and 220 NM - brand new engine (50 km since revision) - information can be obtained from Zoltán Kasza - Jenvey 45 throttle body with injectors - Fully forged inside (piston, connecting rods, crankshaft) - S60 DTA ecu controller + launch control - REVERIE Airbox system + washable airfilter - Catcams valve springs + camshaft - Nagrad racing radiator - Oil cooling system


Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
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